Outbound Call Center Services

We Help In Enhancing Performance Of Your Teams By Harnessing The Power Of Outbound Calling For Lead Generation & Telemarketing Services.

Outbound Call Center Services

An effective outbound call center services must bring soaring results to a business by acquiring trust of large customer base. A virtuous call handling services must be driven by powerful tools, training and sound knowledge of when and when not to use scripts.

We Know Every business is unique and so its requirements. Outbound call center outsourcing services with DBS can benefit your business in many ways.

24/7 ready to perform calls - With vast experience of handling different types of customers coming with variety of questions, we know what probably they are looking for and that’s why we are always ready with appropriate answers.

Excellent communication skills - Our agents are creative and not robots who are limited to researched scripts. They are good listeners. In first few minutes they discover what actually customer is looking for and make the conversation accordingly.

Customer-focused approach - Unlike, other outbound call center services providers who ignore customers’ interest and focus on product selling, we at Xentricx Technologies don’t do that. We give pauses in between the conversation to let customers express their concern.

Periodical follow-up - Our tools are designed in a way where an automated email or call is created to take the follow up on the last conversation held between executive and customer. The soul motto of our campaign is to covert potential buyers into loyal customers.

Goal oriented approach - Before starting the Outbound call center outsourcing services our team comes up with the campaign strategies, where the clear idea of goal and its objective is laid out exponentially.

CRM & monitoring tools - We categorize every call and place it in centralized location, where specified managers take further charge. Powerful KPI’s extract calling details, like, availability/unavailability of either party, call duration, total no. of calls, total no. of sales and etc